I have a new blog!
I'm currently studying Fda Photography at college and part of the course
means I need to use a blog to reflect and show my progress.
Not an issue for me, I ...
INSPIRED: Fiddle Oak
This 14 year old boy is quickly becoming one of my favourite photographers!
As a part of this new module centered around digital skills, and post production, we have been set the task of creative a digital composite image playing around with scale.
So me, being me, and having recently just watched the film Epic (2013), my head immediately thought of tiny people, and how fitting that would be to this project.
While looking for inspiration, I came across Fiddleoak, also known as fourteen year old Zev Hoover.
His work is mostly based around 'little folk' and they are all created by him at home. As a fan of fantasy and the surreal his work is definitely top of my watch list and something I'm looking forward to having a go at myself. Click here to view his flickr page.
I also came across his blog, hosted on wordpress ( http://fiddleoak.wordpress.com ) which has posts explaining how each shot was created, which is definitely worth a look! The detail he puts in is amazing!
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