Yesterday I was playing my guitar and thought I'd have a bit of a practise with some still life photography.
There was actual real life sun outside so it was perfect for some lovely natural light!
There was actual real life sun outside so it was perfect for some lovely natural light!
I took these on my 50mm lens, so I could play with shallow depth of field.
(These are completely unedited, Expect some finished ones soon!)
(These are completely unedited, Expect some finished ones soon!)
My guitar is a bit dusty and the fret board is wrecked!
This would look much better without the specks of dust!
I played with movement a bit here! I think I was on a 10 second shutter speed, and I had the guitar stood up as in the picture previously, then showed the motion of me picking up the guitar and playing it. I kind of like it!
The white is almost swallowing the guitar!
Shallow depth of field is so pretty!
Slightly different framing.
I will say to take the last pictures, I was laying flat on my floor, with my legs almost above my head as my room isn't really long enough for a guitar and me to lay flat. But I wanted the white door as my background so the blue would stand out!
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